Friday, May 30, 2014

Some mint lemonade?

I love lemons. I make lemon ginger health shots and drink lemon water all of the time. I recently bought some mint leaves because I wanted to recreate a healthy "milk" shake I had had at one of my favorite restaurants. So...the mint leaves were there and voila! The idea of combining mint and lemon was born. 

Of course, I am not the first to think of this by a long stretch. But, I needed something to remind me of it and now I am reminding you: lemon and mint together is delicious! Plus mint and lemon both offer vitamins and minerals that are good for us. And, now that it is getting warmer out, refreshing beverages are extra lovely. I used Bobby Flay's recipe to get me started, but altered it a bit. If you like more exact measurements, use his!

Throw it all in a blender:

1.  One whole peeled lemon (cut it in half, then cut the skin off, then pull out the seeds with your knife). Using the whole lemon would seem to allow for the maximum health benefits from this fruit. Why not use the whole thing?
2.  Less than 1/4 cup of simple syrup (boil one part sugar and one part water until sugar dissolves and then let cool or add ice), or just use some stevia (or any other natural sweetener you prefer)
3.  About 4 fresh mint leaves (health benefits of mint)
4.  Dash of stevia
5.  4 ice cubes
6.  Around 1 cup of water

Blend, adjust to taste, and then pour over ice! This yields two servings of tangy deliciousness. As a bonus, it's a beautiful color. Enjoy!

Carly Massey is an artist and spirit seeker who loves to connect and create. To learn more about who she is and what she does, visit and Love to you.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

A meditation for self-love

If you are finding that you need communion with your inner being, with that part of you that is pure bright light, or you are feeling a little lost or unloved, or just want to embrace your joy, here's a meditative, self-affirming practice I LOVE: 

Have access to the song below, Kim Taylor's "Save My Life." Turn the volume very loud. Sit in easy pose (legs crossed, comfortably). If you can, light a candle and sit in front of a mirror. Place one hand on your knee, and one gently over your beating heart, or both hands over your heart. Take deep breaths as you look yourself in the eyes. Look into your beautiful eyes. Do you see yourself? Do you see your beautiful soul? The real, eternal you? Turn on the song. Close your eyes, and listen to the words and hear them in your mind as though they are your inner being speaking to yourself. Say them to yourself in your mind along with the song. Keep breathing deeply. The words are the real you, the love and light within you, the source that wants all things good for you, the source that knows that you are perfect just as you are. Let yourself feel whatever comes up, and allow yourself to feel the love for yourself that is your birthright. When the song ends, put it on repeat if you wish, and when you are ready, open your eyes and say, "I love you. I am safe. I am loved, and I'm going to love you the way you are meant to be loved." xox 

Carly Massey is a creative specialist and SPIRIT SEEKER based in Los Angeles. She loves to create & connect. Find out more about what she does at or follow her on social media at Love to you.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Am I beautiful? Am I worthy?

Today, I was working on the last page of my new website - the "About Me" page. I had to choose two photos of myself. I wanted them to show who I am. I wanted them to express that deep inside I have compassion, heart, and am able to show up with love. I also wanted to demonstrate that I am creative, fun, joyful, honest, effective, and highly professional. I went back into the folder of head shots that the talented Kyria Lydia Abrahams took for me back in 2011.

By default, I scrolled down the hundreds of images searching for the same ten that I have used repeatedly over the years. The same group that I mentally "approved" of. In fact, the only group I felt was reasonable - at all - to show to anyone else. In my mind, these were the pictures that thinned me out, where my face was not too full, and where I looked, in my perception, "good enough."

I didn't show the rest to anyone else, and even asked Kyria to take photos that I didn't think were beautiful enough off of her website.

The experience I proceeded to have forced me to sit down, right away, even though I have a million other things to get done today, and write this article. I needed to write it in honor of my quickly growing nieces and nephews. In honor of my friends. In honor of anyone who has ever felt this way.

I realized that my vision had been askew. How had I not seen all of these other photographs?

I am not talking about vision of the ocular variety, but my spiritual vision. Vision of my essence. Vision of the truth.

I am smiling. I am curvy. I am glowing. I am laughing. I am bright. I am beautiful. How did I miss all that?

Of course, I have had this experience before. The one where looking back you see so much that you could not see before. In more ways than just physically. But, in keeping with the physical nature of this experience, I will offer one other example - my freshman year of high school. I'm sure most of us remember our freshman year of high school. The excitement, or the fear, but of course the hope that it would go well.

I walked into this huge new place, with all of these new people. I looked at the girls around me. To me, they seemed so....I don't know the right words, but I could say - fashionable, pretty, cool, things seemed easy for them, they could talk to each other and the boys. But, the word that is the truth, that I wasn't able to find, is that they seemed worthy

Worthy of what? 

Love. Good things. Joy. Acceptance. General, Universal, divine-right love.

How could I compare? I didn't measure up. Why couldn't I diet hard enough? Why did I have a belly like that? Why did my face look like that? Why were my breasts that way? Why did I have stupid braces? Why did I say stupid things? Why didn't people like me? Why was my smile so awkward? Why? Why? WHY?!

Why was I not good enough? And, how could I become good enough? For a while, it was easiest for me to think that I might be able to become good enough by focusing on my appearance. The "if onlys" began. "If only I were thinner." "If only I looked like that...then everything would be better." Or, in other words, then I would be worthy, valuable, beautiful... and happy.

Homecoming was quickly approaching. I wished that I looked better in my dress. I wished I could fit into a tight dress, like the ones I knew other girls were wearing. I wished I was a size 4 or 6. I felt so self-conscious, so out of place. I tried so hard... so... hard. I got my hair done. I got fake nails. I bleached hair on my face and burnt my skin off. I spent money. I dieted. Oh, how I dieted. I plucked. I sucked my stomach in. I abused my body repeatedly. I took classes in makeup and how to stand like a model. I tried to become what I thought I should be.

I had just turned 13 years old the month before.

Here is that little, young, lost girl the night of her first high school dance.

Okay...Isn't she flipping gorgeous?! Can't you see past all that makeup, that pose, that fake smile into her heart? To her essence? Can't you see how amazingly beautiful and pure her essence is? I couldn't see any of that, at all.

It didn't matter that I had a new boyfriend, my first boyfriend, who surprised me at the dance with a white rose and told me I was so beautiful. It didn't matter that he said he loved me. It didn't matter that my parents told me I was pretty and wanted to take lots of pictures. It didn't matter. I was sure I was unattractive. But, now I know what I meant. With all of that misplaced focus on everything on the outside, what I really meant was that I was sure that I was overall deeply defective; that I was broken.

I can only wonder how many other beautiful souls - child or adult - feel unworthy? Like me, you are not. Never have been. Never will be.

Today, I think about that little girl who stayed small for so long, and release tears of gratitude that I am not that little girl anymore but that I recognize the inherent beauty inside of me and can use all I have learned to see it so clearly in others. I realize that I am just now able to see the magnitude of my own inherent worth. From that place, I see beauty and light shining out of my eyes.

Sure, three years ago, I found ten pictures in that folder of hundreds where I thought I looked beautiful, but what about all of the rest? I can see them more clearly now. I accept this process as part of my awakening. It's a journey, but I'm on it. I see so much beauty, Everywhere. All shapes, all sizes, all abilities, all colors, the wind, the ocean, the grass, the roads, technology, a hug, a word, vulnerability, a spirit. I am overcome with the beauty of the essence of everything. Daily, I look up at the sky and thank the Universe for this vision and its growing clarity.

I will continue to see it and embrace it more in myself and in the world. I hope that you all can see yourselves the way I do - beautiful, extraordinary, glowing, full of spirit, lovable, and absolutely, unconditionally worthy of the very best things in life - the joy that is rightfully yours.

Here are some of those omitted photographs. Thank you, Kyria, for capturing my true beauty and worth that is always there - my essence.

Carly Massey is a creative specialist and spirit seeker based in Los Angeles. She loves to create & connect. Find out more about what she does at or follow her on social media at Love to you.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Open your heart & project love, a meditation

Jai Jag-deesh sings Aad Guray Nameh. I often sit, in easy pose, with my palms resting face up on my knees, close my eyes, breathe into my heart and let the chant move through me. When emotion comes up, I focus on letting the light fill my heart, and the emotion come out. Blessings to you.

Carly Massey is an artist and spirit seeker who loves to connect and create. To learn more about who she is and what she does, visit and Love to you.